Bri's ReBoot Domain
 Welcome aboard. I'm Kit E, aka Kit. This is the entrance to Bri's ReBoot Domain. That's me- Bri, I mean. This site is a one of a kind, along with dozens of other sites across the nation. Within, you will find all that you dare... It isn't just for ReBoot, we've got non-RB stories and art hanging around. We used to have two seperate sites, but we merged them. Some things you may find include the Scuzzy stylings of Bri- *Loving sigh* Scuzzy... *Whispering* She's obsessed. Yep. Nor does she mind. Nope. Some epic tales, and much, MUCH MORE! Enter, at great risk to your personal health. Okay, minimal risk, unless you're trying to read this in IN FRONT OF A MOVING BUS. sTUPID CPASLOCK KEY. hANG ON A SEC. There we go. If you would like to know what's been going on in the past, go to the Old Boards page. Almost everything will be revealed.
This page was created with love and spare time. Check out all our awesome stuff- a lot of which is ReBoot, our favorite show. Well, it's my favorite show. I just kind of assumed it was Bri's. Dont' be silly. You know it is. This is an open house, so people are usually wandering around, though I haven't seen your friend lately. He's been busy. *Nod* Haven't we all, though.
Some day/02- So... the news. Well, projects are being planned, I've been lazy, very lazy, and there's a certain joint secret project of Kit's that promises to be entertaining. Well, alludes, but anyway... Heh. Look what we have. Nice bandwagon, huh? Yeah, and I really like the hay. Yes, it is rather cushy, isn't it?
Look who I caught! Look who I caught! *Falls to the floor in the throes of hero worship*
*Pouting* That question about Megs wasn't fair. Yes, I know dear. Calm yourself. Well, it wasn't.
Technically, I caught Daemon.
Poor Andi. Her character is in question. ...Well, as of S4-The Horror, everyone's has been. W'll yeah, but I just feel so bad for her. Ripped from her home, forced to put up with a madman... The list goes on.
Anyone that says Bob isn't hot is just nuts. *Significant look to the left* Mo.
Ah, wonderful S2 Dot. How I miss you so. *Sobbing* I want my tapes back! Don't worry, you'll get them soon.
Aww, Ray doesn't get a pretty border. Neither does Bob or Matrix. Yes, but they have a background.
Hexi! Employer of my beloved! *Head in hands*
Why was Mouse put in the 'evil' section? She is so not evil. Well, I suppose people just can't handle her hacking and butchnes together and have her not be evil. ...Come again? I guess some people don't think a muscular criminal can be a good guy. Ah. Plus she used to like Bob. *Nodding* Right.
You can find the ladies (bishoujo) at this address, and the gents (bishonen) at this address. And they're linked together, too.
We never said we were consistent.
It's updated all the time, you poor fool you.
All right. About once a week or so. *Glares at Kit* I said I was sorry!
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